
Residue Free Vs. Organic Production

Sr.Point of ComparisonResidue Free ProductionOrganic Production

Fodder Crop Production

1 Production SystemThe produce does not have detectable residues of chemical insecticides,
pesticides and fertilizers. It cannot be certified as ‘Organic’.
The production system follows stringent
standards and practices of United States
Department of Agriculture or equivalent
standards and can be certified as
2LandThe land may have residues of prohibited chemicals that do not appear
in the crop at the time of harvest.
The crop must be grown on land that is proven
to be free from prohibited substances for at least last 3 years.
3Use of Sewage Sludge.Sewage sludge may be used.Sewage sludge use is strictly prohibited.
4Use of  Genetically modified products.Genetically modified products may be used in crop production.Genetically modified products cannot be used in production.
5Use of Organic Seed for Sowing.Use of organic seed is not compulsory.Only certified organic seeds can be used.
6Use of  Synthetic Pesticides & Herbicides.Use of  synthetic pesticides  and herbicides is prohibited.Only  approved organic pesticides,
herbicides and biological controls can be used.
7Use of  Synthetic Fertilizers.Chemical fertilizers that do not leave
any detectable residues in the crop at the time of harvest may be used.
Use    of    synthetic  fertilizers    is    strictly
prohibited. Only   approved organic fertilizers can be used.
8Farm Records  & Certification.Maintaining farm records is essential. Certification is not a must. Process is inexpensive.
Residue Free Production & Labeling is way   to        avoid  expensive     organic
Maintaining Farm Records and ‘Organic’ certification by third party / official Certifying Agency is mandatory.
Certification Process is expensive.

Residue Free Vs. Organic Production

Sr.Point of ComparisonResidue Free ProductionOrganic Production

Dairy Farming

9Feeding of AnimalsAll the animals can be fed with fodder, silage, concentrates etc. that are free from residues of chemicals.The animals (calves to cows) can be fed with Fodder (Green & Dry), Silage, Grains, Oil Seed Cakes, Mineral Mixtures, Production Enhancing Supplements – Yeast, Rumen Buffers etc. only of certified ‘organic’ origin.
10Use of  Antibiotics in treatment of animals.Animals may be treated with antibiotics. In case of milk from antibiotic treated cows it is to be segregated and not used for human consumption till the withdrawal period of the used antibiotic is over.Antibiotics are prohibited.
11Animal ManagementThere are no restrictions on Housing, Feeding, Breeding & Milking Systems of animal management.The    animals    must    have     semi-liberty system of housing so that they are as near    to   their   natural           conditions     as possible.
12Use  of   Artificial Hormones.Prohibited.Prohibited.
Dairy Products Making
13Use of  Approved Chemical Stabilizers &
Allowed.Not Allowed.
14Organoleptic TasteGood & Wholesome.Wholesome & Great

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